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Band of Demons (The Sanheim Chronicles, #2)

Band of Demons (The Sanheim Chronicles, #2) - Rob Blackwell 4.25/5
It has been a slow start for me with this second novel in the series by Rob Blackwell, and I don't really approve of the change in the covers - they are just too messy, but one third of the book in when all the action started I got really hooked again, and got carried away on an amazing and gripping journey.

The mythology is pretty unique and I love how it expanded in this book, the horror element is also very very strong and Rob is not afraid to kill off some of the characters we had time to fall for for the sake of better and more consistent plot.

Kate and Quinn became the Prince of Sanheim in book #1 and this time they have to face the second part of their quest - to defeat the previous Prince of Sanheim. Perhaps what I like most is that none of the characters are one dimensional, there are no token villains, but characters who are trapped by their need for revenge or betrayal or desire for redemption. Nothing is simple and everything has a heavy price. So you end up not condemning the villains but understanding their motives.

The drawback is that the villains are not in a rush to strike when they find out the identities of Quinn and Kate. I don't see why would they wait? Surely it's better to deal with them quickly and before Halloween? It bothered me that Kate and Quinn had time to recuperate between battles.

The book ends just as mysteriously as A Soul To Steal, and I have a feeling that if Rob stops feeling anxious about what we would think, stops pulling the punches metaphorically speaking and lose himself in a story, let it be as vicious and as merciless as it's promised to become (and also invest in more professional covers - and I don't intend to be malicious, but we do judge the book by its cover) this series will do exceptionally well.

Highly recommended.