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Nocturnal Book Reviews

Blogging at Nocturnal Book Reviews since May 2011 about steampunk, urban fantasy, historical & paranormal fiction, contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi & erotica.

Frequent Traveller (Cathy Dixon, #1)

Frequent Traveller (Cathy Dixon, #1) - Pandora Poikilos It was just one of those books that surprised the heck out of me. Somehow I was thinking that it would be another paranormal romance/urban fantasy, but it was contemporary fiction.
Despite awkward writing and grammar mistakes, this was a refreshing, relaxing and engaging book.

Cathy is a vice president of Communications in a five star hotel chain of MoonStar, so each chapter takes her all over the world dealing with different problems in each hotel be that kidnapping, murder, possibly haunted rooms, blackmail or simple embezzlement. The book shows you the sad side of human nature, and at the same time the good in people who can unite in the face of adversity.

Cathy is not only a high powered official, she is a secret agent of an unnamed organisation, so once in a while she receives brown envelopes with the tasks the organisation wants her to complete.

The main line of the plot stays murky, and we don't get much clarity in the end, but it's the side stories of all the different people Cathy meets that's really interesting, and that's why I liked Frequent Traveller so much.