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Nocturnal Book Reviews

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Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5)

Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5) - Gail Carriger 3.5/5
I'm sad and at the same time relieved that this series came to an end.

Timeless surprised me in a lot of ways. I didn't expect the gory details, the explosive violence and a few very serious scares Alexia experienced. Suddenly the flirtatious funny writing style we're so used to fell away, and everything became all too real. I can't say I liked it, but I can also say that perhaps that turn to seriousness and sadness was what made us believe that Parasol Protectorate is no more.

This is a very short review, because I do not want to give you any spoilers. Timeless might not get high marks from me, but don't be mistaken, - it's a good book in a good series for a steampunk beginner. Everything is light, flitty and amusing, there are not too many gadgets or details, but they are there among the peculiar Victorian mannerisms, rivers of tea and mountains of biscuits.

You'll get your dose of adventure, Ivy's hats and even a happy end for poor Biffy, but the book has its limits, and I think Gail with her writing style was as constrained by them as we were as a reader.

We are both ready for a bigger and better adventure and deeper, more complex story.. I hope Etiquette & Espionage will deliver that next year.