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Nocturnal Book Reviews

Blogging at Nocturnal Book Reviews since May 2011 about steampunk, urban fantasy, historical & paranormal fiction, contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi & erotica.

Dark Designs (Black Lace)

Dark Designs - Madelynne Ellis Madelynne Ellis is another very talented erotic romance author, whose backlist I'm slowly reading through. This book was way too much fun! The main heroine was tailoring a big Gothic wedding in an honest-to-God British castle. She was also fascinated by manga, and between Takeshi, one of her models, and Silk, the best man, she didn't know where to lay her eyes, this was such a manlicious feast! Of course, it was all also decadent, shallow and crazy, but Miss Ellis just had to have a bit of a laugh about all Gothic cultural extremes. Enjoyed it and recommend it!