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Nocturnal Book Reviews

Blogging at Nocturnal Book Reviews since May 2011 about steampunk, urban fantasy, historical & paranormal fiction, contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi & erotica.

Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep -  Ilona Andrews To be honest, peeps, I never know quite what to say to express the depth of my feelings towards Ilona and Gordon's writing. I always assume that everyone loves them just as much and any sort of endorsement is unnecessary which makes my reviews seem awkward.

I would say that Andrews couple managed to create a cross between their Kate Daniels series and The Edge series with a sprinkle of their sci-fi novellas, and it's utterly charming.

Reading Clean Sweep was like snuggling to my favorite pillow with a bowl of popcorn and an all time favorite movie, - comforting and awesome. It was familiar and at the same time new and exciting.

Dina as it happens was a deep well of knowledge. I have a feeling that 3-4 books into the series she will still continue to deliver many surprises to the readers. I also really enjoyed the different planets and dimensions thrown in, which would ensure that as a reader I would never get too comfortable or bored with the world-building.

I also admit that although Sean reminded me of the Beast Lord, I was glad that the dynamics between him and Dina weren't settled and that Arland made them into a loose love triangle, because there was just way too much yumminess in the first book for the main heroine to make some sort of a final choice.

Overall, an exciting, wonderful, cozy urban fantasy! Now I want to drop everything and re-read enything the tandem Ilona Andrews has ever written. If you have never tried their books this is your chance to enjoy urban fantasy at its finest for a very small price. I'd also recommend Silver Shark - one of my favorite novellas from this couple. Enjoy!