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Drink, Slay, Love

Drink, Slay, Love - Sarah Beth Durst 4.5/5
Egalley thanks to Simon & Schuster

I have a strong suspicion that any fan of Joss Whedon will love this book as much as I did. Yes, I am a proud Buffy fan.

I could literally take any chapter from Drink, Slay, Love and quote from it something wonderfully funny. It's that good.

Pearl lives in a sort of Adams family surrounding. Family is everything. There is a strict hierarchy, there are customs and mannerisms to observe, she's got a vampire boyfriend Jadrien who officially courts her, constantly sprouts poetry, and they spar together viciously.

Then one night she is staked by a unicorn and finds out that she can withstand sunlight. She is dazzled by sun. Everything is beautiful and shiny, and she's got all these new feelings in her.

Her Mother (yes, capital M) decides that they would enroll Pearl into a human school and she would lure human students for the feast in honor of the visiting Vampire King.

Pearl is amazing. She has the snark in spades, she is super confident and feels superior to everyone else, but she doesn't know what to do with all these people who want to be friends with her. She even has two wonderful sidekicks, Matt and Zeke, who claim they are vampire hunters.

"Dude, you ask her."
"Nuh-uh, you ask."
"Rock, paper scissors?"
"You cheat, man," Matt said.
"How is it possible to cheat at rock paper scissors?"Zeke asked.
"You game the system," Matt said.
"It's not my fault you always choose rock."
"My manly strength will not allow me to choose less unyielding material," Matt said. "I have rocks for muscles. You fear my strength."
"Whatever," said Zeke. "You never choose scissors."
"Sometimes I choose paper," Matt said. "You can't predict me. I'm cagey."
"You always choose rock or paper," Zeke said. "So long as I always choose paper I can't lose."
"See, I knew you gamed the system."

"The vampires are plotting to attack the junior prom, feed and then torch the place to hide the evidence," Pearl said.
"I knew it!" Matt said. "Always a bad idea to have large social events. Totally tempting fate. Vampires love proms. Look at the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. I mean, don't look at it, because it's seriously bad, like in an awesome way, but the climax? Giant vampire attack at prom. Also, Carrie. No vampire attack there, but lots of blood and carnage. And don't forget The Mean Girls. The horror, the horror!"

This book is sweet and beautiful, humorous and insightful at the same time. For me, it sparkled (pun totally intended). I do recommend it to anyone. Also, I can't wait for the book #2. I hope there will be one. Because the idea in the end of the first one was hilarious...